Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Random.......... randommmmmmmmmm.......

So, it's September. Another month, another week, another day. Nothing changes. India won a match or 3, lost the series though.
Is this what they mean when they say life goes on? The days going by is life going on? I love that Scrubs is on everyday now. And also that X files is back on air.
I feel like astrological predictions totally mock me and my life. Gimme realistic previews, you morons!
God, I hate the smug, know-it-all types. Especially, when they are full of shit. Oh, that unbearable smugness while airing views on things they know nothing about! And what's up with people becoming less mature, the older they get? Yeah, my present company sucks. I sound just like them now. Immature and dumb.
God, if you were planning to show me some special attention (of the good kind), now would be the time. Truly.

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