Wednesday 27 June, 2007


I'm a pessimist. Optimism doesn't work for me. I've tried positive thinking. Nope. Things turn out especially bad if I think positive. Probably because I'm ill equipped to handle them having thought positively. At least you anticipate a bad turn when you are pessimistic. So pessimism has its pluses. And one huge con. It makes you lose confidence in yourself. Combine that with a heavy dose of insecurity. Makes for a basketcase. That's me! Doubting myself at every step of the way, scared about the consequences of my actions, fearing what lies ahead, unable to believe in myself even if I am capable. I'm guessing reader, that you wouldn't want to be me for a thousand bucks. Or a crore.

Apparently, this combination of insecurity, social ineptness (can't make small talk if my life depended on it) and a strong apprehension of amounting to nothing gives me a veneer of arrogance! This veneer breaks mostly after a few minutes of talking to me, cos it's easy enough to see through it. Which makes me a misunderstood person..............mostly.

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